Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beauty in Photography

For twenty years now I have wanted to get into photography.  The desire began when I became a mom and kept taking snapshots of my darling little baby.  I loved setting up poses and looking for opportunities.  Looking back, I don't know that the babies enjoyed the photo shoots as much as I did, though.

Year after year passed and there were always other things that needed to be done and money had to go to the raising of children... not photography.  So, I just kept using whatever camera I had and put my desire on the back burner.

I don't just enjoy taking pictures, I enjoy seeing the beauty that other photographers capture.  They provide so much inspiration.  It wasn't too long ago that Ron kept looking out his window... anticipating the arrival of his new camera.  A really good one, too.  I was as excited as someone could be who is watching somebody else chase a dream that they've had for years... knowing that my own dream would sit on hold for a while yet.  No, really, I was happy for Ron.  Particularly because he is clearing the path ahead of me!  Now I get to call him and ask for camera recommendations and pester him with multiple questions when my time comes.  I'm right behind you, Ron, going to chase you down!

Looking at Ron's photos you will notice that he appreciates nature and the simple beauty of a wildflower... or the astounding glory of a sunrise and sunset.

For a while I thought that his photography would stay focused on still life or nature... then I started seeing some great "people" photo shoots. What is great about photography is that we get to see through someone else's lense.  I might not live near the Ozarks, but I can see images that have been captured there.  It's a great self expression outlet, too. 

So, here's to you, Ron!  May you forge ahead with this new hobby and enrich others.

I'll sit here and wait for my time....

1 comment:

  1. Having great equipment can inspire people to move to the next level with a hobby, but doing what you can with what you have is always good. You have a good eye Betty. Keep taking the best photos your camera can take. Keep pushing and you will take off when you upgrade.
